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Gadoxetate MRI to assess rifampicin effect

Acute and chronic rifampicin effect on gadoxetate uptake in rats using gadoxetate DCE-MRI

Mikael Montelius, Steven Sourbron, Nicola Melillo, Daniel Scotcher, Aleksandra Galetin, Gunnar Schuetz, Claudia Green, Edvin Johansson, John Waterton, Paul D. Hockings

ISMRM Conference 2021


Non-invasive biomarkers for Drug Induced Liver Injury, which cause liver failure and impede drug development, and Drug-Drug Interactions affecting pharmacokinetics of drugs when combined are needed. We used gadoxetate DCE-MRI to measure clinical and high dose rifampicin effects on hepatocellular uptake in acute and chronic settings in rats. At high dose, uptake was significantly reduced after acute dosing, and returned to baseline after chronic dosing. Similar but non-significant effects was seen at clinical dose levels. We thus demonstrated the potential of gadoxetate DCE-MRI to non-invasively assess drug-induced inhibition of hepatocellular transport and DDIs. 